
Displaying 1 - 5 of 5
Category: Note
Author: Nietzsche
We, who hold a different belief--we, who regard the democratic movement, not only as a degenerating form of political organization, but as equivalent to a degenerating, a waning type of man, as involving his mediocrising and depreciation: where have WE to fix our hopes?
Category: Note
Author: Nietzsche
The democratic idea favours the nurturing of a human type prepared for slavery in the most subtle sense of the term. Every democracy is at one and the same time an involuntary establishment for the breeding of tyrants, taking the word in all its connotations, including those of a spiritual nature.
Category: Note
Author: Nietzsche
The over-all degeneration of man down to what today appears to the socialist dolts and flatheads as their “man of the future”-as their ideal-this degeneration and diminution of man into the perfect herd animal, this animalization of man into the dwarf animal of equal rights and claims, is possible, there is no doubt of it.
Category: Note
Author: Nietzsche
Our highest insights must – and should – sound like follies and sometimes like crimes when they are heard without permission by those who are not predisposed and predestined for them.
Category: Note
Author: Nietzsche
Thus spake Zarathustra: State, what is that? Well then, now open your ears; now I will tell you my tale about the death of nations. State is the name of the coldest of all cold monsters. It lies coldly and this lie crawls out from its mouth: “I, the State, I am the People!” Where there is still a real people it does not understand the State and hates it as the evil eye, as sin against morals and rights . . .